The Untaught Strategy to Get Your Product Noticed 👩🏻‍🏫

Six Steps to Turn Rivals into Revenue

Ping! Ping! Ping! You have 2,000 messages!

You just returned to work from annual leave, and this is what greets you the minute you turn on your computer.

It happened to me during my 12 years at Microsoft. I used to dread all the emails. I'd get an average of 100-200 a day, and some days, I'd just spend all day doing email, not necessarily my job!

Returning to work from leave would require two extra days off to keep my head above water. When you realise that 95% of the communication was not worth your time, you have serious questions to answer.

The whole experience around email made me hate it.

So, when Slack initially launched the proposition of 'The smart alternative to email', it hit home for many knowledge workers.

Why? The pain point was clear for their target audience, and Slack was relieving the pressure. You could feel the steam escaping for millions of email users!

As an outside marketer looking in, I see that they were using an underutilised but incredibly effective positioning method.

One powerful strategy for achieving this is picking an enemy who can help define your brand's identity and differentiate it from competitors.

This approach, known as "versus positioning," involves identifying a common adversary or undesirable market condition and positioning your product as the superior alternative.

In this week's email newsletter (email - oh, the irony!), I am going to delve into the specifics of picking an enemy in product positioning, using Apple's stance on privacy and Vinterior's campaign against flat-pack furniture as case studies.

Understanding "Versus Positioning"

Versus positioning is about creating a dichotomy where your brand stands as the solution to a problem perpetuated by your chosen "enemy."

This strategy is not about negative campaigning but highlighting your product's unique value in contrast to the competition's shortcomings or a prevailing market issue.

The key is to resonate with the audience by addressing their pain points and positioning your brand as the champion of their needs.

Too often, marketers are happy to mine their company's advantages for possible positioning fodder and conformability, trying to understand and then exceed customer needs.

However, when it comes to competitors, there is often reluctance to call out their rivals and openly and repeatedly slight them.

That's a miss because there are two ways to position a brand: about and versus.

In the 'about' approach, we promote the benefits of our brand to target customers. Positioning is all about the company C, us, and the customer C, them.

In the other approach, the less common 'versus' approach, we still focus on what the customer wants and what we can deliver. However, to communicate the message more powerfully, we pick out a specific competitor (or category) and position our brand against them as overtly and aggressively as possible.

The point of the 'versus' positioning is not simply to aggressively slight your rivals; it's more nuanced than that.

The versus position is one in which we make it clear to customers what we stand for by highlighting the differences between ourselves and others.

When I first met the future, Mrs Lee, for example, I realised it would be impossible to convince her I was a decent man, so I picked a very specific a**hole she could not stand and made it clear I did not like him either.

Sometimes, the best way to explain who you are and what you offer is to contrast yourself with another.

The Power of Picking the Right Enemy

Choosing the right enemy can elevate your brand by:

  1. Creating Clear Differentiation: It sets your brand apart from the competition by clearly defining what you are against and what you stand for.

  2. Building Emotional Connections: It fosters a strong emotional bond with your audience, who may share your stance.

  3. Driving Engagement: It encourages conversations and debates, increasing brand visibility and engagement.

Case Study 1: Apple's Stand on Privacy

Apple has masterfully used versus positioning to reinforce its brand values and build consumer trust. The tech giant has positioned itself against the invasive data practices of other major tech companies like Google and Facebook.

Background: In the wake of growing concerns over data privacy, Apple launched a campaign emphasising its commitment to protecting user data. This starkly contrasted the practices of its competitors, who were criticised for data mining and privacy breaches.


  1. Identify the Enemy: Apple chose tech giants' pervasive data collection practices as its enemy.

  2. Articulate the Issue: Apple highlighted the dangers and inconveniences of data breaches and unauthorised data sharing.

  3. Position as the Solution: Through its marketing campaigns and privacy-focused features, Apple positioned its products as the safe and trustworthy choice for privacy-conscious consumers.


  • Advertising: Apple's ads, such as the "Privacy on iPhone" campaign, showcased scenarios where user data could be compromised and contrasted these with how the iPhone protects against such breaches.

  • Product Features: Features like App Tracking Transparency and on-device processing of data were introduced to reinforce this positioning.


  • Consumer Trust: Apple's stance on privacy has significantly bolstered consumer trust and loyalty.

  • Market Differentiation: By taking a firm stand on privacy, Apple has differentiated itself in a crowded market, turning a potential threat into a competitive advantage.

Case Study 2: Vinterior's Campaign Against Flat-Pack Furniture

Vinterior, an online marketplace for vintage and antique furniture, launched a bold campaign titled "You're Better than Flat-Pack" to position itself against the mass-produced, flat-pack furniture from giants like IKEA.

Background: The campaign aimed to highlight the uniqueness and quality of vintage furniture, contrasting it with the disposable nature and negative emotional tax of flat-pack furniture.


  1. Identify the Enemy: Vinterior targeted the ubiquitous flat-pack furniture market, often criticised for its lack of individuality and environmental impact.

  2. Articulate the Issue: The campaign highlighted the environmental and aesthetic drawbacks of flat-pack furniture and the emotional damage caused by the experience.

  3. Position as the Solution: Vinterior positioned its curated collection of unique, sustainable, and high-quality furniture as the superior alternative.


  • Outdoor Advertising: The campaign featured striking outdoor ads in high-traffic areas, with provocative messages like "You're Better than Flat-Pack" and visuals showcasing the elegance of vintage furniture.

  • Content Marketing: Vinterior used blog posts and social media to share stories about the craftsmanship and history behind their pieces, reinforcing the value of choosing vintage over mass-produced furniture.


  • Brand Awareness: The campaign significantly increased Vinterior's visibility and brand recall.

  • Market Differentiation: By challenging the flat-pack market, Vinterior successfully positioned itself as the go-to brand for unique and sustainable furniture choices.

6 Steps to Craft Your Versus Positioning Strategy

To successfully implement versus positioning, follow these six steps:

  1. Identify Your Enemy: Choose an adversary representing the antithesis of your brand values. It could be a direct competitor, a market practice, or a consumer pain point.

  2. Understand Your Audience: Ensure the chosen enemy resonates with your target audience's frustrations or values.

  3. Articulate the Problem: Clearly define the issue your enemy represents. Use data, anecdotes, and visuals to make a compelling case.

  4. Position Your Brand as the Solution: Highlight how your product addresses the problem better than the competition. Focus on the benefits and unique selling points that set your brand apart.

  5. Communicate Consistently: Spread your message using a multi-channel approach, including advertising, content marketing, social media, and public relations.

  6. Monitor and Adapt: Continuously measure the impact of your versus positioning strategy and be prepared to adapt based on consumer feedback and market changes.

🔥 Hot tip: Once you have decided what you stand for and against (i.e. you have picked your enemy), use the 'Three C's' to apply analytical rigour to your positioning.

Read my LinkedIn post here on how to do that.

Are You Ready To Pick An Enemy?

Versus positioning can be a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal.

By picking the right enemy and effectively positioning your brand as the solution, you can create a strong market differentiation, build emotional connections with your audience, and drive brand loyalty.

Apple and Vinterior provide excellent examples of successfully executing this strategy, offering valuable lessons for marketers looking to impact their industry significantly.

The question is…will you pick an enemy?

Need help with positioning? 🎯 I can help:

I recently helped several clients with their positioning (and sales pitches). This gave them all such clarity on why they were best at something that a market cares about, enabling them to move their marketing forward confidently.

Product marketing consulting is just one of the categories I work across, and I’d be delighted to hear from you if you feel I could help you reach your objectives:

PS. The newsletter will be taking a break over the summer, returning in early September. If you are interested in being a contributor and writing for Below The Waterline….drop me a note.